Saturday, July 7, 2018

A Little Later in the Day....

After a nice cooling swim in the river, it was time for a bit of living.
The youngsters needed time for flight school, and then some food to fill their bellies.
They stretched their wings and bounced across the parking lot.

Some needed a bit of extra time to get it right.

Then it was time to graze.

As usual, one of the father's stood sentinel where he could keep a clear eye for danger.

Both families are intact with babies as large as their parents now.

They travel together, yet stay a little apart.  There is even some nipping between the two groups of youngsters now and then.

Time to head back to the river and home.  Dad is still keeping rear guard action here.

Time to go home but the sentinel is always on guard even as they march to the other side of the bridge and home.

I know these families will be flying south in the not too distant future, but for now I can enjoy their ramblings and watching them grow from little balls of gray fluff, to full-feathered adults like mom and dad.

I will be back tomorrow with photos of our summer garden as it bursts into color.
Have a good day.

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