Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Happy December to you all.

Well, its official.  The winter season is upon us and Santa is busy working in his toy shop with all his elves.
As for me, I've got to mail things out I made especially for friends and relatives so they can use them for their Christmas décor and use.
I also have Christmas cards to write.
And a Christmas wallhanging on which to work so I can put it up before Christmas.
Today here in southern Maine its bright and sunny, but cold.  Temps won't rise out of the 30sF today and tomorrow.  There's such a crispness in the air.
To date I haven't seen any red cardinals at my feeders.  I'm hoping.  I bought a new type of bird seed that has seeds they enjoy and lots more sunflowers seeds for all the birds around here.  Even the little Chickadees and Titmice love the black sunflower seeds.  I've watched them grab a seed, fly to the fence, place the seed under their foot to hold it steady and eat the seed.  They keep going back and forth filling their little tummies.
Today I saw our squirrel neighbor at the flat feeder.  He's fat and bushy-tailed and has no trouble getting up that pole to the seeds.  I love all wild creatures so I won't deny him his seeds.  He's got to live, too. 
I hope everyone is getting in the mood for a fine Christmas.
Merry Christmas season to you all!

1 comment:

  1. You are such a good person miss quiltlady & i am very sure the lil creatures think so too!! I hope you see some red cardinals soon & Merry Christmas season to you as well friend!! :-)
