Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Halloween Comes to Our Building

We wanted to share in the Halloween tradition this year so we set up a couple of card tables and bought candy for the kids.  There was a lot.
Some dressed for it and some just wanted to view the kiddies.

Our two tables were well-laden with goodies.

Mmmmm such good flavors abound.

We had about a dozen and a half during our stay in the lobby.

They had to be lassoed because they weren't used to having candy from this bunch of old fogeys.

I roped in the first group.  I was walking my Penny and saw the kids across the road coming out of their house so I shouted across the road to come and see us for lots of candy.  The 3 came bringing the first smiles from our group.  Unfortunately, I did not yet have my camera so have no pics of the first gang.
Our Zombie did a good job of lassoing others.  I brought down my two battery camping lanterns that have a flashing feature and our resident Zombie went outside carrying her doggy skeleton and flashed down a couple of cars going by to bring in the kids.  They'll remember for next year.

We had little kids and big kids and enjoyed them all.  Maybe next year they will remember us and bring along some friends.

When we shut down for the nite, we had our pizza delivered for a Pizza Party for us in the Gathering Room.  We even shared the leftover candy among us and there was plenty left.  It was a fun time and brought a smile to all of us.

Happy Halloween to all of you.
See you again soon. 

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