Thursday, November 9, 2017

Guardian Goat Gargoyle Comes to My House

In checking my ancestry, I learned that gargoyles were placed on Lithuanian housetops to guard homes from evil.  Their scary features were meant to scare away any evil creatures coming to do harm in a home.  Being of Lithuanian descent, they are part of my history.

My Father came to America from Lithuania in the early 1900s and served in the U.S. Army, earning a medal at the Second Battle of the Marne.  His brother and sister also emigrated from Lithuania.  My Mother was born in America, but both her parents came from Lithuania as well.  So you see, gargoyles are in my past on both sides of my family.  Also amber in a unique gemstone from my ancestry and I will be looking to add that to my ancestral collection soon.

For now, meet my latest acquisition.  He's a cast iron, winged, half man, half goat, Guardian Goat Gargoyle.
I named him Gamma Ramma, my guardian goat against evil.  He sits in my window since I have no way of putting him on my rooftop, but he can look out into the world and protect me from evil doers from his post.  I think he's rather handsome.  I also like goats in general, so I'm happy to add him to my household.

Its a cold evening here in Maine.  I will be sitting, cozy and warm, with cotton dish towels on my lap and crocheting happily tonite making inroads in my stash of Holiday gifts.

Have a Nice Evening.

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