Sunday, August 2, 2015

Another Beautiful Summer Day in Maine

We have had nearly a week of bright sunny days, some very high 80sF and some low 80s like today and low humidity.  That means just a fan going makes the house comfy cozy.
The hummers are dancing among the Honeysuckle and Monarda and just now and then trying the feeders.  I wish I could catch them with my camera but they seem to know when the camera is on hand and flit away.
Funny, because one was flashing back and forth in front of my door this morning telling me something.  It wasn't that the two feeders were empty (filled them yesterday) but that ants had gathered on one of them.  They don't like the ants.   So I refilled with fresh to make her happy.  She's a very intelligent bird.
In the garden today, the tomatoes are ripening but slowly and I found cucumbers beginning to form.
Above is my Spacemaster in a pot.  The bees have been busy here so little fruits are forming at last.
Here's another cuke on the same plant.  As you can see, there's a problem with the Japanese beetles eating the leaves.  Its always an ongoing fight against them every summer.
Among the tomatoes I bagged to save seeds, this one is Li'l Pink with its red yarn tag so I know from which tomatoes to save seeds. This plant is potato leaf instead of the usual saw-tooth edges.   I've never tried one of these, so I'll have to see about size and taste before I bother to save any seeds.
This is Mountain Gold tagged for seeds as well. 
Red Zebra is another tagged for seeds.  This one I know I love.  It has great flavor and is my favorite tomato.
This is my Lily, Starlight Express crowded among the tomatoes and the peonies this year, but still looking so pretty.
I hope others in New England are having good things from their gardens.  I limited myself in what I planted this year so I don't have much to report.  I can say the sugar snap peas are about done.  I think I picked only a half dozen today and the vines are browning a lot.  I'll be pulling them out in a few days. 
The Asparagus has tall, lovely ferns after being productive earlier this year.  The Brussels sprouts and the Kalettes have a long way to go.  I hope for some success there.  The Winterbor Kale is thick and lovely and the Herbs are doing well; Rosemary, thyme, chives, parsley (2 kinds), basil, sage and oregano.  I find that herbs are easy.  They require less care since they only need about half the water of regular crops. 
I'm having trouble with my African Marigolds.  They are looking horrid with dark brown patches across the yellow blossoms.  I've never grown these before so don't know the reason nor the answer to that. 
I'm off to make a fresh tomato salad. 
Happy Gardening!

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear that your garden is doing well, as are you!! I'm happy to report that I actually have a green pepper growing and a watermelon, both is weird for it to happen! I am curious to see if they will grow to a usable size. Right now the water melon is the size of a 25cent gumball and my pepper is half the size of melon. I was soooo excited to see them both!! I'll let you know in the future if they became an edible size or if they died. Oh and I have 5 Winter Luxury Pie Pumpkins growing and 2 are already 4-5 inches around and probably 3 long. I have a question for you- What month do you normally harvest your brussel sprouts? I'll have to send you a pic of mine and maybe you can tell me if they are doing okay or not? Really loved the pics of the Hummers, so cute they are!! Well you have a wonderful day and I look forward to more from quiltlady :-) Take care friend <3
