Wednesday, October 7, 2015

I got a photo to work. Miracles still happen.

These are a couple of my David Austin Roses still blooming here in Maine in October.  The one of the left is a light apricot, Teasing Georgia, and the other one, more medium apricot, is Camisole.  The fragrance of Camisole is outstanding and among my favorites for scenting the house.  Not too sweet, just right.

We've been having colder weather here is southern Maine.  I've been closing down my veggie garden pretty much.  I've given most of my supplies and equipment to the local Community Garden with whom I was a member for a few years.  They can always use garden stuff.  I'll confine my busy days to quilt projects now and in the spring, maybe some potted plants.  My days of laborning in the garden are over.  Its too much for this older body.  I've put in many perennial flowers instead so hope to see them blooming in their glory next spring.

The only things I have left now, after picking the rest of my tomatoes and roasting them, then freezing them, are a couple pots of thyme which I've brought it to keep going as long as I can.  The sage and Rosemary are still doing well outdoors.  The Monarda (Bee Balm) is pretty much finished with the centers of the flower heads turning to winter seed for the birds.  They'll be happy.  I don't pull those til spring when pulling out the old dried stems makes room for a new group of flowers.

I'll be back to post when I have some quilt projects to share.  Have a Happy Life!

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